Going…Going…Gone? The Scarcity of Lots in Omaha

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Over the years, there have been a number of lots and home sites available for potential home buyers. As time has gone on this has gradually changed.

No Money

As with all places in the United States, the housing industry in Omaha has been impacted by what’s gone on nationwide. In addition, lenders that once happily loaned money for land development are now no longer willing to lend money for land developers to put in new subdivisions. This means finding a lot to build on is much more difficult than it once was.

Not Enough Lots

Once there was what seemed like countless premium lots in Omaha. Now we are starting to run out of the A+ lots. These lots are much more scarce than they were just a few years ago. With the law of supply of demand, the lots that are left have rapidly rising prices.

Buy Now

If you are considering building a home in the next few years, now is the time to buy the lot. We are anticipating home lot prices to rise in spring 2012. That’s just a few short months away and there’s not much time left to lock in the lower prices we have today.

Omaha’s housing lots are becoming scarce. Once in abundance, the home lots around town are slowly dwindling down. This means prices are going up. Prices are expected to rise in the next few months making now the perfect time to buy a lot for your new home.

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