How to Winterize Your Home: Sprinkler System and Yard Maintenance

Know anyone who's interested in building a home? If you have any friends, family, or co-workers who are looking to own their first or second home - would you forward this message to them? We'll be happy to show them our 7 new construction home plans along with the benefits of owning a Charleston Home so they can make a decision that's right for them. 

Every spring we get calls about broken backflow prevention devices, because they froze over the winter. We suggest turning off the water to your sprinkler system once the weather dips below 50 degrees. You can do this by turning the valves 90 degrees. When the lever is parallel to the pipe it means the water is on and flowing; when the lever is perpendicular to the pipe the water has been stopped.

Remember, different systems have different needs - some will have more valves than others. To turn the water back on you simply reverse what you did before by turning the valves back to parallel with the pipe. You'll also want to ensure you shut your sprinkler control panel off during the winter months. You can turn the valve on and drain any additional water in the line to ensure your home is protected this winter. 

If you want to get your home winterized by a professional to ensure maximum protection from pricey problems, give us a call. We work with Turfbuilders Irrigation to do all our homes' systems and they do a great job. 

Now is also a great time to fertilize, overseed, and aerate your yard. This will allow the grass to come back healthier in the spring and with a stronger root system. Do it again in later November and your lawn will be looking great come springtime.

If you have any questions about how you can prepare your home for the winter months, give us a call. We would love to help you protect your home this season!

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